Day 24 – Ingomar to Lockeport

We left Ingomar a little after ten and quickly found ourselves in big swell and light winds. From my perspective, sat in the cockpit, the largest waves peaked just over the horizon. I estimated that put the swell at six feet. I teetered down through the companionway to grab my camera from the v-berth, and the minute I spent swaying below deck was enough to put my stomach off for the rest of the day.
We grew tired of the slow progress in rolling seas and fired up the motor to carry us to Lockeport. Some time later we pulled behind the breakwater and tied up to the fishermen’s pier with the lobster boats. Lobster season in Nova Scotia had already ended; we would not be bothering anyone.
We walked into town, small, well kept, and the nice weather made for a pleasant stroll. A smooth sand beach connects the near-island town to the mainland; we walked the length of it among a few dozen people. It arced evenly and concentric waves glided lazily from the south before toppling into white froth. On the way back we stopped at the town market and bought a dozen hot dogs for the grill. The little league team from Clarke’s Harbour was visiting for a Sunday afternoon game, we spectated for a moment on the walk back to Isla.

I devoured my share of the hot dogs. Andrew headed for the perimeter of Wi-Fi surrounding the library and I spent the evening writing and enjoying the quiet cabin. I was jolted back into reality when the side of the bow hit the dock with some force. Above deck, I sorted out the spring lines and added another bumper to ensure it would not happen twice.
Andrew returned from his walk to the library. I traded places and headed back into town to use a restroom before bed, so as to not contribute to the holding tank. A pickup truck passed me twice as I walked along the darkened street. On the second pass a high schooler leaned out of the passenger side window, ‘need a ride?’ It was a genuine offer, they must have been curious why anyone was walking around their little town late at night, but I was happy to walk and declined.