Day 12 – Jonesport

Day 12 – Jonesport

Jonesport, Maine chart
Click to view the full chart

I slept in while Andrew rowed into shore with Caly to talk to the folks at the shipyard. When he came back we started the day’s errands, leaving The Dingy on the town dock. We went to the two marine hardware stores in town and grabbed the Coast Guard placards and some plumbing repair tape to fix a suspected leak to the holding tank plumbing.

No one in Jonesport sold the premium the Atomic 4 should have, so we filled up all three cans with regular gas. We farmer walked the heavy cans back to The Dingy and out to Isla. There, Caly had been busy cementing her 12th consecutive least helpful crew member award. She had peed in the pilot’s berth, Andrew’s bed.

We rowed over to the shipyard’s dock and started the now necessary laundry. I filled our assorted water containers from the hose labeled “potable”. Andrew showed his driver’s license and grabbed the keys to the shipyard’s loaner car, a welcome surprise. We drove the two miles to Manaford’s (not Hannaford, the usual Maine grocery store) and loaded up on nonperishables.

There was a family with several full carts speaking German in the store, and it became apparent they too were cruising. When we got back to Isla we saw a large, cotton, gaff rigged sail raise over at the town dock; we figured that must have been their boat. We picked up our laundry, showered, and used the Wi-Fi until the falling tide threatened to strand our dingy in not-enough inches of water. The whole dock dried out for some time on either end of low tide.

Calm water in Jonesport, Maine
If the weather comes with that boat, we’ll take it

Back on Isla we grilled hotdogs and hung still wet clothes on the lifeline. We fished unsuccessfully, again. The evening was calm and sunny, the complete opposite of the night before and all the more relaxing. As the pastel sunset fell below the horizon, an onslaught of mosquitoes encouraged us to go below deck and sleep.

Sunset in Jonesport, Maine
Will we ever catch a fish again? Stay tuned

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