Day 37 – Youngs Island to Gifford Island

It rained heavily overnight but lightened to drizzle in the morning. With water boiled, I made oatmeal and Andrew made coffee with his aero press, and each brought some warmth to the wet, gray, morning. We decided to raise anchor and head over to the town of Mahone Bay (one of several towns dotting the perimeter of the similarly named bay), mostly for the sake of doing something.
We motored over and tied up at the town dock, one hour free tie up. I decided to ditch my rain pants as we left Isla, the rain was very light. Regrettably, on the walk back from the grocery store the rain and wind strengthened and soaked through the front of my jeans and underwear. I tied the saddest dog to the table leg so she couldn’t dry off on every soft surface in the boat and she drooped her head and wondered, despondent, why the world is so cruel.
We motored back to Indian Point and anchored behind Gifford Island, rather than returning to Youngs. The small cove was well protected, to the point where we started to feel cowardly for not sailing in such meager conditions. We put up the Bimini and made a make shift dodger to keep the rain off the companionway. We cooked sausages for lunch and set about devising indoor entertainment.

I reorganized the v-berth and fixed the curtain on the port side before untying my clothes-line camera strap and practicing every knot in my sailing and mountaineering books. Andrew treated The Dingy to some exercise and rowed over to Indian Point to explore in full rain gear. We both passed a large portion of the day reading, rain pattering above on the deck. We ate out of boredom throughout the rainy hours, to the point where there was no need for a proper dinner.